Get a unique collection of radically collaborative patterns for building software with others. In this mini-encyclopedia, third-generation...
数字化转型:应对新挑战的持久原则 采用新技术可能会很困难,事实上,只有三分之一的数字化转型计划取得了成功。获取所需的工具,将 IT 和其他团队凝聚在一起,最大限度地发挥动力,进而实现数字化转型。 下载电子书《数字化转型:应对新挑战的持久原则》,了解如何: 通过自上而下的变革引领技术变革。 利用基于任务的数字化转型方法开展沟通和互动。 通过使用正确的指标和 KPI 实现可持续变革。 Download This Page 获取电子书 向我们简单介绍一下你自己。 By submitting...
IT 如何引领 COVID 推动的混合工作方式转型 当 COVID 疫情导致许多面对面的业务工作发生中断时,IT 部门须快速响应以应对远程工作的大规模“扩张”。无论是已有相关技术还是在努力填补技术空白,技术领导者都必须要适应瞬息万变的环境。为找到行之有效的技术并了解技术如何向前发展,我们调查了在多个国家/地区从事不同行业的 240 位 IT 决策者。 阅读电子书《IT 如何引领 COVID 推动的混合工作方式转型》,学习这些 IT...
Say Goodbye to Painful, Time-consuming, and Costly Migrations. For 30 years, Ivanti has helped thousands of customers...
Third-party software is responsible for more than half of software vulnerabilities. Ivanti Patch for Microsoft Endpoint Manager...
As the world continues to change, today’s retail CIO is being asked to ensure technology can keep...
ANALYST MATERIAL The Crisis Has Accelerated Digital Investment, But Is it Enough? 2020 accelerated digital transformation (DX)...
Unifying governance, security, and discoverability across your microservices and APIs Studies show that 91% of enterprises are...